Thursday 27 April 2017


Hey there, I know we are not always in the peppiest mood and sometimes feel to pour our heart out but we just can't. No, this article is definitely not about an introvert who finds it hard to talk to a stranger or the people he/she is around or for that matter for the extroverts who finds it tough to come with life in real terms instead of just faking out the entertainment they think they really are in their worldly life.This article is about that someone who likes to think where the river is flowing and where would they want to direct the flow if it's in their hands, in short, it's about people who like to introspect themselves every second.There is this series that I was watching lately and its episode kind of circumscribed my heart.I will give you an instance from that scene, where this guy tells a woman that every time he shoots a man he loses a part of himself.I personally feel that everytime a situation breaks me down or a person breaks me down, what happens is, that I definitely come back to life but every time that I come back I feel that a part of me dies every time.Most of the days I absorb everything that goes bad like criticism, bad behavior of people, stress etc, but there is this day sometimes a hole in my heart is craved out which punches me back to that dark dimension where I was enslaved.But I came to terms with it, after all the game is on😼.All we need to do is just let it pass, and don't let it hover over our mind and let it take our mind off of the significant events all around us.Trust me, we have all the time in the world and the luxury to design our lives.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Experiencing "The slump"

Have you ever experienced or reached a time of impasse at your work?Well then, it's completely normal.However, the best thing is to never push yourself during that period because the nature is trying to gesticulate that you should break a leg for some time as that results in rushing that perfunctory period rapidly. 

You can practice rejuvenation and undergo self-cogitation because it is certain when you have lost your interest in something, then either you are laid back in one of the things or you are afraid that you are incapacitated in some dimensions of your work.
In addition to this you need to distance yourself from the grumbling people as they drain out your inner voice and thoughts.To regain that impetus you need not push yourself to an extent that you start hating or end up getting frustrated. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Now, all you need is a pen and a self introspection diary and write down the things you think are difficult to progress in also write the ways to finish it and the corollary about the thing you would face in the long run if you do not work on it.Rocky balboa said Skills are developed by hours and hours of beating on your craft and steve jobs once quoted in his lecture at Harvard, that if you haven't find what you love all you need to is keep looking and never settle.Incessantly whining people never achieve what they want to because they are ruling out the law of attraction from them.
Start self-ruminating and gear up for the battle because time of deadlock if compassed for ginormous bout then you fellas are losing out because in the long run we are all dead😸.

Saturday 28 January 2017

For the workaholics its obviously a time of impasse unless they have coterie of friends and destinations to visit.I bet if you are from a cold country or a state you must be snuggling into your quilts while reading this and without being biased the ones who are not workaholics also suffer from the same boredom.Now that I am downright for coming up with ideas to doff it, here it goes
Generally, when we are in an impecunious state Mcdonald's is a poor man's KFC or KALSANG for that matter, but since I am not having Debbo this weekend my escapade to McD is quite improbable.

One can always catch up a movie or run for errands and do online shopping or add to cart😃  and last but not the least everyone's favourite sleeping. For all the students having exams can ignore some of the above demonstrations but I highly recommend that rejuvenation eliminates the need of Monday motivation and enhances performance.No wonder why cafe joints are my favourite port of call. HAPPY WEEKEND and au it 🗿🗿

Friday 27 January 2017

Are you a nerd or you love nerds?Then probably this post is for you .What things do they say for the SCIENCE fellas that they are pursuing STEM degree so they might suck at it or maybe the anti social stigma that is constantly hitting our science community.But here is my experience while many people consider them homo-sapiens from a different planet I differ from that statement with complete deference to them. From my grok not all (exceptions are always there) but maximum people who are considered super intelligent are the most evangelical people.Recently, I have started my internship in one of the research labs across India, its been just a week but I tell you I have never felt that positive ever.The engineering name is being ruined because of the people who do not like their majors or are being involved in it forcefully.I am not even castigating them for this because if I get involved on this deuced issue it might trace it roots to chastising the society and parents.But, the fun ,sarcasm and jokes are from the best minds. Since people do not know the hierarchy. See this

For instance, the person who sits beside me is doing research project in things ranging from image fusion to computer vision and the kind of jokes and humor he has is one of the best he calls a software as AMERICANØ and calls himself Baji rao as he is loaded with goddamn projects.The humor he has is way better than the cool chillax guys who keep whining about the courses and not to forget the cool dudes of every college always giving a statement Arey life jeene ka naam hai....padhai mai kya rakha hai? 
The thing is that our engineers with such a humor are loving what they do and are always having positive outlook to any problem. No wonder why they became one.The best part is that in our science domain there ain't any ugly politics(government only).I know every college has some of the cool dudes, prom queens and nerdy scientists and some still wondering on which road to take on.Well, this was my experience of the scientist humor and now i am signing off so say no to whining and cribbing about anything ,do what you like scrupulously and start exploring the new dimensions but never show a red light to yourself neither others.